Pesky adventurers are questing into your dungeon. Thankfully you have the ultimate power over them - the ability to control their dice rolls. With your army of goblins, fend off the adventurers as long as you can.

Only input needed is mouse. During the player's turn, you can click on adventurers or your goblins and edit their dice. Click to erase and restore faces of the die. Erased faces will not be able to be rolled.

During the dungeon's turn, all adventurers and goblins will roll what sides they have of their dice and move the number of squares they roll. If any adventurers or goblins end up in the same square, they both perish.

You have a limited number of "erasers" that you can use to erase die faces. Restoring a die face will give you back that eraser. Every adventurer killed gives you a bonus eraser.

Game ends when an adventurer reaches your central lair.

This game was made by one person for the GMTK Game Jam 2022. Credits for art and sound:

"Myst on the Moor" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

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